与您相约丨FameEX 受邀参展 TOKEN2049 加密盛典

2024年9月18日至 19日,加密领域的行业盛会TOKEN2049 将在新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店举行,FameEX 作为全球领先的加密货交易平台, 受邀与其他行业领导者一起出席并参展本次活动,共同见证与探讨行业的未来走向与创新趋势。

展出时间:2024年9月18日至 19日

展出位置:新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店 K8 展位

TOKEN2049 是全球最大的加密货币盛会,着力引领着加密行业的发展与技术创新。本次活动预计将汇聚来自全球的 7000 余家加密企业、20,000 余名加密爱好者,400 余家业内顶级平台,带着各个加密板块的最新思想在这里交流与碰撞。

作为本次受邀的嘉宾之一,FameEX 将从“忠于使命,链接世界”的立足点出发,在展会上与行业中强势发声,为受动荡行情而倍感焦虑的加密新手与行业投资者带来新的视角,助力行业健康发展,降低投资者恐慌的同时,拨云见日,让加密未来更加可期。

FameEX 是一家以“降低用户交易风险,创造公平自由交易环境”为品牌使命的加密货币交易所。平台拥有现货交易、币币交易、合约交易、期权交易等多个业务板块,致力于为全球用户提供安全稳定、简单快速、公平透明的加密货币交易服务。截止2024年04月,FameEX 已拥有160万活跃用户,月访问量320万PV,161万UV,累计交易额突破3735.27亿美元,在 CoinMarketCap平台的交易排名为全球第 27 位,是东南亚市场乃至全球市场中最具潜力的加密货币交易所之一。

TOKEN2049 活动是 FameEX 即将出席的重大活动之一,也是全球品牌战略的一部分。 FameEX 愿意与行业参与者一起,携手并进,共同推动加密行业的健康发展,也会始终把用户需求与利益放在第一位,更好的为加密爱好者寻找更多的价值洼地,共建美好的加密世界。相约 TOKEN2049,与我们一起“链接”未来。


FameEX Set to Make Crypto Waves and Meet You at TOKEN2049 Singapore

FameEX, a global leader in cryptocurrency trading, is proud to announce its participation as a Silver Sponsor at TOKEN2049 Singapore, the world’s largest cryptocurrency event. Taking place on September 18-19, 2024, at the Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre at booth K8 in Singapore, this prestigious event will bring together key players in the industry to explore the future of blockchain and digital assets.

The event will bring together over 7,000 companies and 20,000 crypto enthusiasts for industry leaders to discuss innovative trends and the future of the crypto space. FameEX’s presence at the event highlights its commitment to driving industry growth and providing a secure and transparent trading environment for its users.

At Booth K8: FameEX's Gateway to the Future of Crypto

At Booth K8, FameEX will engage with investors, developers, and crypto enthusiasts, aiming to provide reassurance amid the turbulent market. With a focus on “Loyalty to Mission, Connect to the World,” the company will offer insights on reducing investor anxiety and promoting the healthy development of the industry. Their presence at TOKEN2049 underscores FameEX’s role in making the future of crypto more predictable and accessible to all.

FameEX’s Growth Story: From 1.6 Million Users to Global Impact

Since its launch, FameEX has established itself as a fast-growing cryptocurrency exchange with a mission to reduce user trading risks and foster a fair, transparent trading environment. With a range of business segments including spot trading, futures trading, and options trading, FameEX has attracted 1.6 million active users as of April 2024, with 3.2 million monthly pageviews and 1.61 million unique views. FameEX’s cumulative trading volume exceeding $373.527 billion and a global ranking of 27th on CoinMarketCap make the platform one of Southeast Asia’s most promising crypto exchanges.

Join TOKEN2049 as A Strategic Step in FameEX's Global Expansion

TOKEN2049 represents a critical opportunity for FameEX to enhance its global branding strategy. By participating in the event, FameEX aims to collaborate with key industry players to advance the healthy development of the crypto ecosystem. The exchange remains focused on meeting the needs of users while building a stronger, more resilient crypto industry. Attendees can expect to see FameEX's vision for a fairer and more promising future for digital assets at TOKEN2049.

Therefore, FameEX’s participation at TOKEN2049 is not just an exhibition, but a statement of intent to connect the future of the crypto world together. The platform invites all crypto enthusiasts and industry leaders to visit Booth K8 to explore new perspectives, discuss the latest trends, and contribute to shaping a better future for the industry.

About FameEX

Launched in 2020. FameEX is a global cryptocurrency exchange that currently provides fiat-crypto, crypto-crypto, grid trading, futures, options, margin, spot, and a hugely popular referral and affiliate program with more than 5,754,529 registered users across 154 countries and regions. FameEX provides a secure, stable, and efficient 24/7 trading platform. In addition, FameEX keeps pushing the boundaries of the crypto exchange industry, exploring frontier growth opportunities and strengthening core competencies, expanding into adjacent product offerings, and developing innovative business models that lead the way in bringing Web3 solutions into the crypto ecosystem including recruiting more Web3 developers and researchers to enrich the Web3 product that will support those visionary traders.

Find FameEX on:

Website: https://www.fameex.com/

X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/FameEXGlobal

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FameEX

Telegram: https://t.me/fameexgroup

Discord: https://discord.gg/V8yvKPxVCk

Trade on-the-go with the FameEX app (iOS/Android)