
Friends help each other out. Tesla’s boss, Elon Musk, may well have been grateful when Donald Trump said he would buy one of its electric vehicles (EVs) on March 11th. Yet that was the least the president could do for his bureaucracy-basher-in-chief. The day before, Mr Trump had helped bring on a fall of over 15% in Tesla’s share price, amid a wider sell-off sparked by his trade policies and his warning that America’s economy faced a “period of transition”. The subsequent Trumpian endorsement will not be enough to apply the brakes to Tesla’s declining sales and slumping share price.


Mr Musk’s backing for Mr Trump’s second presidential run once looked like a clever business move. His reward was to run the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), boosting what Barclays, a bank, calls the “Elon premium”. Investors clearly thought that his political sway would do Tesla good. Its market value hit a record $1.5trn in December (see chart).


Since then his closeness to Mr Trump and support for far-right causes have prompted a backlash. Protests against Mr Musk’s role at the heart of the administration and doge’s mass firings of civil servants have gathered steam in America. Picketing of Tesla showrooms has turned ugly, with windows smashed and vehicles vandalised; a Tesla charging station was attacked by arsonists. Outside America, Mr Musk’s actions have also provoked protests against the carmaker. So closely are the man and brand intertwined that embarrassed owners are resorting to anti-Musk bumper-stickers to distance themselves from him.


But Mr Musk’s politics only partially explains Tesla’s troubles. Sales were falling before he took a chainsaw to America’s public sector. Last year Tesla dropped a long-standing aim to be making 20m cars annually by 2030 and reported its first decline in annual sales for many years—a fall of 1%, to 1.79m cars.


Sales have continued to fall in recent months compared with a year before, at a time when the EV market overall is still growing. Barclays estimates that first-quarter sales in Europe could be down by around 30%. In Germany, where Mr Musk caused an uproar by supporting a far-right party in recent elections, sales fell by 76% in February, year on year.


Yet Barclays reckons that first-quarter sales in America, where antipathy to Mr Musk seems highest, will be flat. Sales in China also fell by nearly 14% in January and February, but a political backlash is an unlikely explanation; Mr Musk is generally regarded as pro-China. In Britain, where his political meddling should be a factor, Tesla sales actually increased by almost 21% in February.


This suggests that a reaction from consumers who dislike Mr Musk’s antics are only one reason for falling sales. An updated Model Y, Tesla’s best-selling vehicle, has just gone on sale. In preparation Tesla ran down inventory of the old model, crimping supply. Customers doubtless held off purchases until the new car was available.

這表明,消費者對馬斯克舉動的不滿只是銷量下降的原因之一。特斯拉最暢銷車型——升級版Model Y剛剛上市。為了做好準備,特斯拉減少了舊款車型的庫存,導致供應受限。毫無疑問,許多消費者推遲了購買,等待新車型的推出。

The bigger problem, though, is that Tesla has become what Philippe Houchois of Jefferies, an investment bank, calls a “reluctant carmaker”. It relies for the bulk of its sales on two models, the 3 and the Y, whereas global giants such as Toyota have many more to satisfy all parts of the market. In October Mr Musk decided against launching a cheaper “Model 2”, instead switching focus to robotaxis and humanoid robots. Meanwhile the competition from established carmakers and Chinese newcomers is heating up.

更大的問題在於,特斯拉已成為投資銀行傑富瑞(Jefferies)的菲利普·胡喬伊斯(Philippe Houchois)所稱的“勉強的汽車製造商”。其銷量主要依賴於Model 3和Model Y兩款車型,而豐田等全球汽車巨頭則擁有更多車型,以滿足各個市場需求。去年10月,馬斯克決定不推出更便宜的“Model 2”,而是將重點轉向機器人計程車和人形機器人。與此同時,來自傳統車企和中國新興品牌的競爭正日益加劇。

Tesla’s valuation has long lost any connection with fundamentals, and is more a bet on Mr Musk’s ability to revolutionise any business he turns his hand to. He now claims that robotaxis and robots will make Tesla the “most valuable company in the world by far”.


That hints at another explanation for Tesla’s plunging share price: Mr Musk spreading himself ever thinner. In an interview with Fox News on March 10th he noted the “great difficulty” he faced running Tesla and his other firms while working for the government. As Mr Trump inspected his potential new purchase outside the White House, he chastised protesters for “harming a great American company”. Yet much of the blame for that lies with his buddy, Mr Musk.


10 new words and 5 phrases at IELTS test level

New Words (IELTS Level)

1. Antics (ˈæn.tɪks) – Strange or funny behavior

    • 滑稽舉動,古怪行為
    • Elon Musk’s antics have caused controversy worldwide.
    • 馬斯克的滑稽舉動在全球引發爭議。

2. Plummet (ˈplʌm.ɪt) – To fall suddenly and quickly

    • 暴跌,驟降
    • Tesla’s stock price plummeted after the political backlash.
    • 由於政治反彈,特斯拉股價暴跌。

3. Backlash (ˈbæk.læʃ) – A strong negative reaction

    • 強烈反對,反彈
    • His comments triggered a public backlash.
    • 他的言論引發了公眾的強烈反對。

4. Vandalism (ˈvæn.dəl.ɪ.zəm) – Deliberate destruction of property

    • 故意破壞行為
    • Tesla showrooms faced vandalism during protests.
    • 抗議期間,特斯拉展廳遭到蓄意破壞。

5. Arson (ˈɑː.sən) – The crime of setting fire to property

    • 縱火罪,放火
    • A Tesla charging station was attacked by arsonists.
    • 一座特斯拉充電站遭到縱火襲擊。

6. Embarrassed (ɪmˈbær.əst) – Feeling ashamed or awkward

    • 尷尬的,難堪的
    • Embarrassed Tesla owners used anti-Musk bumper stickers.
    • 尷尬的特斯拉車主使用了反馬斯克車貼。

7. Endorsement (ɪnˈdɔːs.mənt) – Public approval or support

    • 認可,支援
    • Trump’s endorsement of Tesla failed to stop its sales decline.
    • 川普對特斯拉的支援未能阻止其銷量下滑。

8. Medddling (ˈmed.lɪŋ) – Unwanted interference

    • 干涉,插手
    • His political meddling led to a drop in consumer confidence.
    • 他的政治干涉導致了消費者信心下降。

9. Bureaucracy (bjʊəˈrɒk.rə.si) – A complex system of rules and officials

    • 官僚體制,官僚主義
    • Musk is known as a fierce critic of bureaucracy.
    • 馬斯克以嚴厲批評官僚體制而聞名。

10. Transition (trænˈzɪʃ.ən) – A process of change

  • 過渡,轉變
  • The economy is going through a difficult transition.
  • 經濟正在經歷艱難的轉型。

IELTS Phrases with Meanings

1. Spark controversy (引發爭議)

    • Musk’s statements often spark controversy in the media.
    • 馬斯克的言論經常在媒體上引發爭議。

2. Apply the brakes (踩剎車,阻止某事發生)

    • Trump’s endorsement couldn’t apply the brakes to Tesla’s declining sales.
    • 川普的支援未能阻止特斯拉銷量下滑。

3. Closely intertwined (緊密相連)

    • Musk and Tesla are so closely intertwined that his actions impact the brand directly.
    • 馬斯克和特斯拉緊密相連,他的行為直接影響品牌。

4. Massive layoff (大規模裁員)

    • DOGE’s massive layoffs sparked protests across the country.
    • 政府效率部門的大規模裁員引發了全國抗議。

5. Political sway (政治影響力)

    • Musk’s political sway was once seen as an advantage for Tesla.
    • 馬斯克的政治影響力曾被視為特斯拉的優勢。 ( 365精聽精讀英文 )

「鉅亨號」是《Anue鉅亨網》以AI 大數據和推薦引擎所推出具影響力的自媒體社群平台,從投資理財為主題擴展到金融財經、房地產、汽車、數位虛擬貨幣、影音視頻及Podcast的數位生活圈。讀者可透過一面牆及個人化功能關注一天的大小事;對創作者而言更是一個直接能與1,000萬用戶互動的舞台。